How do I make Sirocco Digital my Facebook Administrator?

How do I make Sirocco Digital my Facebook Administrator?

Sirocco Digital needs to be granted access to your Facebook Business Page to perform Social Media maintenance including writing and posting on your behalf. 

Note that even though we have access to your Business Page, we will not obtain any access to your personal Facebook page. 

You can edit your Manager settings from within your Facebook Page Account at any time. 

  • At the top of your Page, click Edit Page 
  • Select Admin Roles 
  • Type the email address of the person you'd like to add in the open field - or type Katherine Anderson and a picture will come up with 'Sirocco Web Design' written underneath (see below) 
  • Click Manager below the name to choose what kind of admin you want to add
  • Click Save Changes

Remember you can also delete Managers from your account in the same place within your Page Settings. 

Once finalised as your Manager, we have access to your Facebook Page Account and can get started on your Social Media monitoring and maintenance. 

For more information visit the Facebook Help Centre.