How to setup Admin Access to your Google Analytics etc.

How to setup Admin Access to your Google Analytics etc.

Sirocco Digital needs to be granted access to your Google Analytics Account to link up to either Google Adwords, for Website Rankings or Monitoring your websites SEO.

To setup Admin Access to your Google Analytics account use the following procedure - 

  1. Login to your Analytics Account ( using your Google username and password.
  2. Click into the Google Analytics account you want to give access to.
  3. Click the Admin tab in the top middle of any page in Analytics.
  4. Under the first Account column click on the User Management link.
  5. In Add permissions for: enter the email address
  6. In the dropbdown field called Read & Analyse, click and choose Manage Users, Edit, Collaborate, Read & Analyse
  7. Select the Notify this User by Email checkbox.
  8. Click the Add button to add us as an Administrator.

From inside the Account Access section (above), you can delete access to any admins at any time or reduce the Account Permissions if you only want users to Read & Analyse.

Once finalised as your Administrator, we have access to your Google Analytics Account and can get started on collecting the data that can be crucial to your online success. 

For further information visit the Google Analytics Help Centre (