Treepl reCAPTCHA Update

Treepl reCAPTCHA Update

Recently there has been an increase in spam issues that have caused Amazon IPs to be blacklisted by SORBS. The spam abuse was caused by webforms not protected by reCAPTCHA which in turn has affected the Amazon IP reputation.

reCAPTCHA is designed to distinguish between human or automated (bots) access to websites. The latest reCAPTCHA version 3 is pretty much invisible, working in the background and offers website traffic a more seamless user experience. Whenever you fill out an online form reCAPTCHA does its thing protecting against attackers and spam bots keeping the internet safer and easier to use.

This IP blacklisting has resulted in some sites' email notifications to go into their spam/junk folders. So, Treepl has switched their mail service to a dedicated IP to resolve this current influx.

To reduce future spam attacks, reCAPTCHA will be made mandatory on all webforms from May 12th which includes subscribe, contact us, event bookings and ecommerce payments. This functionality will be added to all Treepl sites to reduce the amount of automated spam form submissions and reduce the likelihood of IP's going onto suppression lists moving forward.

If you would like to discuss how to secure your site and reduce spam form submissions, please contact us for further details.